Thursday 17 June 2010

Short Introduction

Here I am,
You can take a short (and not at all complete, no means exhaustive) idea of what I am able to do viewing this PDF file, many of the photos are rather dated, please note that now many models pictured in the photos seem to me much better.
Among the models that you can not refrain from seeing there're these pictures that are here below ...
Enjoy it, I will certainly express my pleasure if you have the kindness to comment (even negatively, or constructive criticism as long) this young blog.
       Bedside Lamps

made from an A3 paper in different colors, with a 11W energy saving bulb, I used to support an old tower CD holder.

A collection of dresses and accessories made ​​to be installed in a shop window

1 comment:

  1. Complimenti Ale!!! ora che sono piú "multimadiale" ti seguo nel tuo blog!!!bravo!!!


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